*City Hall Offices*
Offices will be closed Friday April 18th, 2025 for Good Friday. PUBLIC NOTICE
Board of Mayor and Aldermen monthly meeting will be held in the conference room of town hall on March 25, 2025. Floor will be open to public comments. The proposed public hearing is being conducted pursuant to the laws of the State of Tennessee and the Town of Alexandria, Tennessee. The hearing is open to the public and all interested persons are encouraged to attend. The Town of Alexandria adheres to all state and federal non-discrimination laws. Persons needing special accommodations to attend the meeting should contact the office of Mayor Beth Tripp at (615) 529-2171. Get Alexandria Town Text Alerts
Trash Pick up Resuming
Residential trash pick-up will resume inside the town limits of Alexandria. Trash should be placed by the road in a container by 8:00 a.m on Mondays and Fridays. Beginning October 14th. We have added an extra day for residents. Business trash pick-up will continue on Fridays. To keep our employees safe for trash pickup, the following rules apply:
Burn Permits Required
Beginning October 15, 2024 through May 15, 2025, a burn permit will be required to start an open air fire within five hundred feet of any forest, grassland or woodland. Permits will be issued by phone or through the online system, if conditions allow. Check local restrictions in your area prior to conducting any burning activity. For permits apply online through the link below. TDOT – Expansion of Route 70 (SR 26)
Location: Intersection of Route 53 and 70 in Alexandria, DeKalb County Timeline: A Tennessee Department of Transportation project to expand Route 70 is in process. Construction on the intersection is scheduled to begin soon. Traffic Impacts: Initial work will consist of constructing a detour to carry traffic around the existing intersection. Traffic impacts should be expected and speed will be reduced to 35 mph through the work zone for the duration of the project. The Town of Alexandria urges all motorists to be alert and obey the warning signs and posted speeds when approaching and driving through a work zone. Posted 11/8/23 |